Welcome dear friends,

Foxes have held a special place in my heart for many years, becoming one of my totem animal guides in 2016 when my life seemed to be imploding around me. At a time when I thought things could never get worse, this animal kept revealing itself to me in synchronistic and surprising ways. I had no choice but to take notice and listen to what this teacher had to show me. The messages were clear...


"Learn how to be independent."

"Learn how to love yourself first."

"Protect and take care of your family."

"Trust your instincts."


The lessons of this time period continue help me to grow in ways I never thought possible. 

I have lived what feels like many life times since then and with every iteration of myself, my relationship with the fox deepens.

On July 29th 2021, my 37th birthday, my oldest daughter Gia, left this Earth at the young age of 14. She was bright and healthy and thriving. The sudden passing of my first born obliterated me at my core. For many months, I struggled to wrap my head around why...creating all kinds of stories to help ease my pain and integrate this empty void into my daily existence. Some of those stories were incredibly beautiful...and some of them pushed me to to some of the darkest depths of emotion I have ever consciously experienced. It is only now that I can truly grasp what it means to be SOBER.

This year on April 19th, 2022, what would have been Gia's 15th birthday, I was at a loss for how to spend the day. I had planned to dive deep into the well of my grief by allowing myself the day to watch videos and look at pictures and fall apart as much as I needed to. Instead, a young male fox turned up, dead, on my compost pile. He appeared to have been injured on his hind leg. I processed his small body that day and received the blessing of this animals gifts viscerally as I immersed myself in its spirit. Through this experience, Foxx Cult was born. This work is an offering of my greatest capacity. It is the alchemy of my grief into art... of my pain into beauty. It has been exponential in my healing process to create these items with my own mind and hands and it is with great gratitude that I share them with you. 


Megiael Rose Foxx